Whatever it is that I am is flesh and a bit of breath and the ruling centre. Put away your books, distract yourself with them no longer, that is not permissible; but rather, as though you were now on the verge of death, despise the flesh - just blood and bones and a mesh of interwoven nerves, veins, and arteries. Consider too what kind of a thing breath is: a stream of air, and not always the same, but at each moment expelled and drawn back in again. The third part of you, then, is the ruling centre. Look at the matter in this way: you are an old man, no loger allow this part of you to act as a slave, no loger allow it to be tugged this way and that, like a puppet, by each unsociable impulse, no longer allow it to be discontented with its present lot or flinch from what will fall to it in the future.
I’ve fallen off the wagon again, or however that saying goes. Things have been deteriorating. Self motivation is basically non existant, the only thing I’m really managing to stay consistent with is making my bed. I’ve once again got low energy, apathy. I don’t feel good or satisfied with doing things. One thing I’ve noticed for sure is that I’ve picked up on this much sooner than I would have previously.
New year, new me and all that. I haven’t really made new year resolutions in the past, I think waiting for the start of the year to change something about your situation is the same as saying you’ll do it later. Unless it really is the best time for change due to circumstances.
The christmas break was a really great time. I saw beautiful things, spent time with excellent people and tried foods I can still taste in my dreams. It was excellent, tiring and messed up all my habits I’ve built up over the past few months.