
16 September / / reflection

“He has the most, he who is content with the least.”

Diogenes of Sinope

Once more I’ve been neglecting reflecting on myself. It’s easy to do when things are going well, and then to somewhat panic and look for the “emergency philosophy” button when things start to unravel a bit. I find myself being better at incorporating some stoicism in my life now. I’m still struggling with existentialism, but funnily enough stoicism is also helping in that regard. I’m happy that I have the energy and time to just sit and think every now and again.

18 August / / reflection

I’ve recently quit, moved, started a new job. My parents also quit, moved and started a new job. Past few months have been filled with packing materials, vacuum cleaners and a distracted mind.

“A good person is invincible, for they don’t rush into contests in which they aren’t the strongest. If you want their property, take it-take also their staff, profession, and body. But you will never compel what they set out for, nor trap them in what they would avoid. For the only contest the good person enters is that of their own reasoned choice. How can such a person not be invincible?”

31 July / / reflection

Being a Doctor

It wasn’t until after I quit working in the HSE, that I realised I had been profoundly depressed. My tiredness, poor sleep and bad appetite were things that I attributed to my extensive overtime and amount of work. I thought that working 12-15 hour days would do this to me, and I should expect to always feel tired, sad since everyone says that training is full of long days and nights and sick patients. But now I see that should not necessarily be the case.